4.e Colloque de la Communauté du Savoir. Formation supérieure et digitalisation. Mise en dialogue des acteurs de la gouvernance, de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage

September 7, 2023


Within the context of the Conference, Christian Degrigny delivered the talk “Des outils participatifs en libre accès pour le diagnostic des métaux patrimoniaux: un challenge pour les utilisateurs et les décideurs” (Freely accessible participatory tools for diagnosing heritage metals: a challenge for users and decision-makers). The talk covered the following points:

• The need for conservation professionals of low-cost, easy accessible, portable and almost non-invasive analytical techniques to carry out some preliminary diagnosis of their metal artefacts;

• HE-Arc CR has developed three of them;

• They actually respond to specific needs: determination of the family of the metals of the objects under study, qualitative analysis of the metals and their corrosion products, understanding of the corrosion structure to improve the diagnosis;

• Analysis is based on data collection and their comparison to the tools databases;

• These tools are participatory and favor interdisciplinary work;

• ENDLESS Metal project is a follow-up (Innovators Grant) of a completed COST action called PortASAP. Using COST activities (training schools, workshops), HE-Arc CR tools could be disseminated largely;

• Although conservation professionals are generally convinced by the approach, they do not actively contribute to optimize the tools through the enrichment of their databases (due to lack of time, weight of other administrative tasks, other work priorities, etc.);

• Only the most motivated do contribute. Often, they work in institutions. Therefore, their institutions should provide them time to use such tools and develop their expertise;

• Based on this approach, we might expect that the diagnosis of metal artefacts will be better supported and that their conservation will be better justified.





COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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