Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (YoCoCu) Online Seminar

La Pulitura dell’argento

March 23, 2023, 15:00 to 17:10 (CET)


The ENDLESS Metal coordinator, Christian Degrigny, will participate in the seminar promoted by Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (YoCoCu), La Pulitura dell'Argento ). In this context, it is intended to reflect on the problem of the intervention of cleaning silver artefacts, sharing and discussing experiences of different professionals. Christian Degrigny will discuss the use of Pleco to determine the nature of tarnishing in silver objects, an essential step before their electrolytic cleaning.

The event is free of charge and open to YOCOCU APS members, who may extend participation to one of their guests. A certificate of participation will be issued.

Registration at the following address (until 16.03.2023)

The link to attend the event will be provided after registration. It will be possible to attend the presentation in person at the YOCOCU workshop.

Seminar programme.

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